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About me

Hello there! 👋

My name is Navidreza, but most people call me “Navid” (næˈviːd).
I am a research and teaching assistant at the Computer Engineering Department at Technical University of Munich (TUM), working under the supervision of Professor Wolfgang Kellerer.
I collaborate on academic and industrial projects related to my areas of interests.

Before joining TUM, I was a research assistant at EASY Lab at Sharif University of Technology, where I received my MSc in Computer Engineering under the supervision of Professor Maziar Goudarzi.

Research Interests:

I am interested in the intersection of Machine Learning and Networked Systems, especially in the context of Edge Intelligence and Edge Computing. As long as I can take a small step forward in this direction, I will be happy.
Below, you can find a fairly generic list of topics that I am currently working on or I am interested in.

If you are interested in any of them, please feel free to contact me.

  • Distributed Machine Learning and Edge AI
  • Federated Learning and Edge Intelligence
  • Application-Aware System Design and Optimization


  • Watching and playing Basketball, NBA in particular
  • Reading books and poetries
  • Listening to music
  • And surely, dreaming!


Room 1912, Chair of Communication Networks, CE Department, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany.